Spessartine garnet


A natural specimen of two large and several small spessartine garnets in a quartz matrix, with shiny mica inclusions.

Weight 0.078 kg
Dimensions 5.3 × 2.9 × 4.1 cm

Root / Muladhara


Creativity, Love and Joy, Mental Focus, Vitality


Garnet, Mica



Out of stock


Strengthens our commitment and devotion to others, to our life purpose and intentions. Stimulates creativity, allowing for our inner passion and ideas to manifest. Eases the transition to personal responsibility and acceptance of loss and change as the means to discover the new. Stimulates energy flow through all the chakras, removing negativity and creating balance and health.
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
Number vibration: 2,11  
An isomorphous group of silicate minerals, all identical in structure with differing chemical components.

X2+3Y3+2Si3O12(X= Ca, Fe2+, Mn or Mg)(Y= Al, Cr or Fe3+)

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  


Brings clarity of vision and focus on detail. Provides for self-reflection, helping us to recognise characteristics in others we will work on in ourselves. Diminishes insomnia, anger and nervous energy.
  • Aquarius
Number vibration: 8  
A large group of phyllosilicate minerals, including lepidolite and fuchsite.

X2Y4-6Z8O20(OH,F)4 (X=K, Na or Ca etc) (Y=Al, Mg or Fe etc) (Z=Si or Al etc)

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 3  