Mineral Information


Balances body, mind, emotions and spirit. Encourages kindness, good will, nurturing and a sense of community, enhancing generosity, responsiveness and receptivity. Stimulates analytical processes and perceptiveness, awakening one’s innate talents.
  • Gemini
Number vibration: 7  
A variegated and banded form of chalcedony; a microcrystalline form of quartz.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  


Assists with detaching from the old, encouraging innovative solutions. Pacifies and eliminates aggravation, soothing the emotions and negating worries. Dissipates energy blockages and soothes all chakras. Rejuvenating for the heart, assists with manifesting the pure energy of universal love. Balances the physical body with the astral and etheric bodies, promoting general health maintenance and facilitating attuning to the spirit dimension.
  • Virgo
Number vibration: 5  
A type of potassium rich microcline feldspar, usually pastel green to turquoise; potassium aluminium silicate.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  


The stone of spirituality and contentment, bestowing peace and facilitating meditation. Known as the Sobriety Stone, it raises one's energy vibration, stabilising dysfunctional energy in the body. Stimulates common sense and flexibility in decision making, helping business prosper, encouraging cooperation and helping one assimilate new ideas. Aids memory and intellectual reasoning. Transmutes and stabilises negative to positive energy, aids sleep and helps with headaches.
  • Virgo
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces
Number vibration: 3  
A variety of quartz with manganese, pale to deep purple varying with the iron content.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  


Promotes all forms of clear communication, assists with both sending and receiving telepathically, astral travel and raising one’s conscious awareness. Brings peace, calm and community, dispelling anger, renewing one’s connection with universal knowledge.
  • Aquarius
Number vibration: 1  
A Peruvian, pale blue variety of anhydrite, a form of gypsum without water.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 3  


Stimulates the intellect and dissolves negativity and aloofness, clearing mental confusion. Facilitates the pursuit of humanitarianism, service and teaching. Balances and aids healing by regulating the energy flow and supports the development of clairvoyance as well as past life insights. Enhances creativity and the awakening of the higher self.
  • Gemini
Number vibration: 9  
A group of phosphate minerals that may be fluorapatite, chlorapatite or hyroxylapatite.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 5  


Enhances vision, both physical and intuitive insights and assists with opening the third eye and crown chakras. A rejuvenating stone, it is uplifting, raising one’s mood and spiritual energy.
  • Gemini
  • Libra
Number vibration: 4  
A group of phyllo- silicates, clear, white, pale green or rarely red to brown.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 5  


The Stone of Courage supports developing greater self-knowledge and spiritual awareness while protecting the aura. It enhances intellectual pursuits and learning, paring back and simplification and taking responsibility for one’s self. Aquamarine has a gentleness that promotes tolerance and moderation in our interactions.
  • Aries
  • Gemini
  • Pisces
Number vibration: 1  
A variety of beryl, light blue to pale green.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 8  


On an energetic level aragonite encourages patience, both personal and situational insight, reliability and looking for practical and pragmatic solutions. She helps us to step up to our responsibilities and stop procrastinating which then relieves us of the potential build up of resentment, stress and anger. Overall, there is a balancing our emotions, creating a sense of stability and grateful acceptance.
  • Capricorn
Number vibration: 9  
An orthorhombic crystal form of calcium carbonate, orange to brown, pink and blue.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 3  


Activates, clears and protects the heart chakra (green form) and sacral chakra (orange form) from the intrusion of discord and negativity within the energy fields of others. Balances the masculine and feminine energies within us, boosts a sense of adventure to try new things, overcome shyness and brings out our leadership qualities. Supports balance between our intellect, emotions and auric fields, encouraging good instincts when decision making. A healer of our wounded child within, aventurine frees us to explore our unlimited potential.
  • Aries
Number vibration: 3  
A quartz mineral, the green formed with muscovite mica, the orange with an iron oxide such as hematite or goethite.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  


A third eye mineral, promoting insight, focused intuition and the ability to clearly put these experiences into words. Used to contact one’s spirit guide and connects us to the celestial. Dispels niggling worries and indecision, it can also be called on to identify and remove our blocks to progress.
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 1  
A copper carbonate formed in the oxidation zone of copper deposits.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 4  


Brings the strength required to adapt to challenging times and uncomfortable changes, reminding us that we are surrounded and supported by a like minded soul collective. Soothes anger and other negative character traits that are keeping us stuck, so we may gain insight and clarity about the difficulties we encounter and achieve a more comfortable situation and outcome. Provides stability and encourages us to discover more positive and beneficial ways to be. Best cleared and energised during the full and new moon.

  • Taurus
  • Cancer
Number vibration: 1  
Dark grey to black igneous rock formed mainly from plagioclase feldspar, pyroxene, and olivine.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  


An intense healing stone, used to awaken and stabilise the lower four chakras, helping to overcome the anxiety and distress of the changes. Assists with the intention to be in the present and renews and revitalises all relationships. Known as the 'stone of courage', advancing unselfishness, idealism, decision making and creativity. Promotes harmony, adaptability and strength.
  • Aries
  • Libra
  • Pisces
Number vibration: 4,6  
A form of chalcedony, dark green with inclusions of iron oxide or hematite.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  

Blue Lace Agate

An excellent emotional healing stone, calming and soothing, alleviating anger and nervous disorders. It will dispel the blues! Supports the throat chakra and enhances all communication abilities, particularly how to put into words the thoughts and feelings of one’s higher self. It intensifies and strengthens singing and sound healing.
  • Pisces
Number vibration: 5  
A blue and white banded or lacy chalcedony.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  

Blue Quartz

Connects us to our true sense of self, reducing stubbornness and volatility, encouraging calm and patience, while helping us to still stand up for ourselves. Brings order, self-discipline and improves organisational skills. Stimulates clear communication, especially of spiritual ideas.
  • Leo
Number vibration: 4  
Quartz with inclusions of dumortierite, an aluminium borosilicate.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  

Blue Tiger Eye

Also known as Hawks Eye, a mineral to stimulate third eye perception, find clarity and to help us bring all the parts together into a beautiful, harmonious and creative whole. Assists with decision making. Brings optimism and helps us to release fear. Imparts balance, stability and peace.
  • Capricorn
Number vibration: 4  
Quartz formed over and chemically replaced the fibrous mineral crocidolite.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  

Botswana Agate

Furthers our journey into the physical and spiritual unknown and releases repressed emotions. Helps us to focus on finding solutions rather than dwell on the problems and to see the whole picture. Enhances creativity and attention to detail.
  • Scorpio
Number vibration: 3  
A banded chalcedony.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  


Calcite is a natural energy amplifier which clears and activates all chakras according to the mineral colour. She stimulates the mind and body to remember the natural perfection of well-being and so encourages us to want to begin to rediscover that perfect physical, emotional and spiritual state, if only for a moment. Supports learning, memory, insight, a macrocosmic appreciation of nature and wonder at the universe.

  • Cancer
Number vibration: 8  
A trigonal form of calcium carbonate found in all colours.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 3  


An energising stone used to dispel apathy and protect from envy, fear and rage. Stimulates both perception and analytical abilities and awakens innate talents, creativity, inspiration and strengthens the initiative and motivation to move forward in life along ones realised path. Stimulates sexual energy and brings warmth and joy.
  • Taurus
  • Cancer
  • Leo
Number vibration: 5,6  
A translucent red or orange form of chalcedony.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  


Stimulates fluent communication on all levels, speaking, listening and intuition. Connects us with the angels, supports lucid verbalisation of information received and dream recall. Promotes hope, calmness and serenity transforming discord and worry into light and love. An aid to balance one’s energies and to equalise them with external energies. Heightens rationality, analysis of complex ideas, integration of consciousness and instinct to enable a clear understanding of all facets of an issue.
  • Gemini
Number vibration: 8,2  
Also known as Celestite, typically a pale sky blue but may be clear, white, yellow, orange, red and ochre, a natural form of strontium sulfate.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 3  


Promotes stability, balancing the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Encourages brotherhood, good will, nurturing, kindness, generosity, responsiveness and receptivity. Alleviates hostility, irritability and sadness.
  • Cancer
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 9  
A microcrystaline quartz, clear to opaque, includes agate, bloodstone, chrysoprase, carnelian, jasper and onyx.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  


Helps with finding lost objects and new friends. A mineral which enhances perception and strengthens contact with our universal energy, opening the crown chakra and removing energy blocks. Stimulates energy flow and helps us achieve and maintain meditation.
  • Capricorn
Number vibration: 9  
A copper and iron sulfide, iridescent coloured purple, blue, green, orange to gold.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 4  


A rare mineral that provides the spiritual insight to live in the present by synthesising the energy of root and crown chakras. Offers perception of the connectedness of everything, helps to ground our spiritual self and truly accept others. A Stone of Transformation; transmuting negativity to overcome obsessive behaviours, fears and enable us to discern truth and beauty of life.
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 7  
A silicate mineral named for its sole location, the Chara river in Siberia.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 5  


A purifying and detoxifying mineral typically found in quartz which amplifies its positive effect on us. Chlorite promotes cooperation, dissipating anger, frustration and hostility to others which clears the heart chakra and supports identifying the changes needed to create happiness within. Promotes a sense of connection to earth energies and the feelings of being one with all. A loving tool for connection with archangels and their messages for us via meditation or stillness. Also see seraphinite.
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 9  
A group of 12 mainly green phyllosilicate minerals.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 2  


Renews our strength, vitality and endurance to cope with stressful situations and helps us to release negative emotions and fear. Supports us to both communicate clearly and recognise the benefit of verbal silence. Opens the heart chakra to expand one’s capacity to offer love and support.
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Virgo
Number vibration: 5  
A variable copper silicate, often with aluminium and water, typically blue-green.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 3  


With the balancing properties of chalcedony it instils a sense of grace and compassion and stimulates a non-judgemental and tolerant attitude to oneself and others. Encourages hope and fidelity.
  • Libra
Number vibration: 3  
A pale green form of chalcedony.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  


The mineral of warmth, joy and creativity, it brings comfort and a sunny disposition, dispelling fear and anxiety. Soothes family and group dynamics, stimulates positive outcomes in business and education and enables intelligent focus. Attracts abundance of all kinds. Known as the Merchant’s Stone as it brings money and financial stability. Often heated amethyst to bring out the ochre colour but may naturally form in areas of earths heat.
  • Aries
  • Gemini
  • Leo
  • Libra
Number vibration: 6  
A yellow to golden brown form of quartz with manganese.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  

Desert Rose

A mineral of the mind, it stimulates mental ability as well as perception and intuition. Calms the mind to let go of anxiety, niggles and distractions. Increases personal confidence and self-worth, helping us to overcome fears, stagnation and phobias.
  • Taurus
  • Scorpio
  • Capricorn
Number vibration: 2,11  
Hydrated calcium sulphate, a form of gypsum.

CaSO4 . 2H2O

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 2  


A powerful heart chakra healer, this mineral grows and expands whatever it is asked to tune into. A natural support for our intentions, mantras and affirmations, adding its substantial boost as we focus on our spiritual development and positive changes. Dispels self criticism and the inclination to criticise others. Stimulates our perceptions and warms us to greater engagement and interaction with others.

  • Gemini
Number vibration: 2  
Green epidote with red piemontite, a calcium aluminum iron silicate.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  


A mineral of the heart chakra, successful love, happy relationships, harmony and loyalty, both within us and our home. Stimulates mind, memory and mental focus. Creates awareness of our unlimited potential, of synchronicities, of impediments to progress and abundance.
  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
Number vibration: 4  
A variety of beryl, usually deep green.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 8  


Stimulates perception and acuity to help us grow our personal power, reducing self criticism and the impact of others behaviours, words and thoughts upon us. Encourages us to join others, group activities and participation. Creates growth in anything and everything we focus on, allowing for an understanding of our power and the true nature of abundance.

  • Gemini
Number vibration: 2  
A calcium aluminium iron sorosilicate, typically yellow green to dark green.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  


This mineral brings order to chaos, stabilising disruptive and disorganised behaviour, whether mental, physical or emotional. Fluorite increases mental focus, concentration and intuition, strengthening the link between mind and universal energy, clearing confusion and auras. Stimulates and supports the creation of plans, method and structure.
  • Capricorn
  • Pisces
Number vibration: 7  
A cubic or eight-sided form of Calcium Fluoride.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 4  


Promotes self-examination of our interactions with others. Helps to create and maintain healthy balance and helpful routines. Promotes equality. Increases the energy of minerals and facilitates channelled information about holistic and herbal remedies.
  • Aquarius
Number vibration: 9  
An emerald green chromium rich mica of the phyllosilicate group.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 2  


Strengthens our commitment and devotion to others, to our life purpose and intentions. Stimulates creativity, allowing for our inner passion and ideas to manifest. Eases the transition to personal responsibility and acceptance of loss and change as the means to discover the new. Stimulates energy flow through all the chakras, removing negativity and creating balance and health.
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
Number vibration: 2,11  
An isomorphous group of silicate minerals, all identical in structure with differing chemical components.

X2+3Y3+2Si3O12(X= Ca, Fe2+, Mn or Mg)(Y= Al, Cr or Fe3+)

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  

Golden Tiger Eye

A mineral to bring about clarity and create harmony, infusing warmth and earthiness. Assists with decision making and fires up our gut instincts. Brings optimism and calm, helping us to release fear. Imparts balance, stability and peace.
  • Capricorn
Number vibration: 4  
Quartz formed over and chemically replaced the fibrous mineral crocidolite.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  


All three goldstone varieties deflect unwanted energies and so, offer protection and security. Sparkling like stars at night, it shines light into the darkness and so helps us find our way in life. The blue form offers career openings and new work opportunities while the green form provides emotional healing, allowing for abundance and creativity.
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 3  
A glittering creation of silica and copper made in a low oxygen vat at a constant temperature.

SiO2 with CuO Blue variety with Cobalt or Manganese. Green variety with Chromium

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  


Stimulates thinking and innovation, developing technical know-how and improves memory. Allows us to realise that self-limiting thoughts are all that hold us back. Cools the body and balances the nervous system, masculine v feminine energy and mind, body, spirit synergy.
  • Aries
  • Aquarius
Number vibration: 9  
A dark grey iron oxide.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 5  


Soothes fury and anxiety, bringing calm and facilitating emotional expression. Imbues patience, tact and subtlety with a lust for learning and reasoning. Supports retaining knowledge and dreams. Instils decency, generosity and kind behaviour.
  • Gemini
Number vibration: 2  
Basic calcium silico-borate, white with grey veins.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 3  

Icelandic Spar

An energy amplifier and excellent healing stone, which clears and activates all chakras according to colour. Helps the mind and body to remember the perfection of well-being and so assists us to reobtain that perfect physical, emotional and spiritual state. Supports learning, memory, insight and a macrocosmic appreciation of nature.
  • Cancer
Number vibration: 8  
A double refracting rhomboid form of clear calcite.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 3  

Iron Pyrite

Also known as Fools Gold, iron pyrite shields and defends us from pollutants and negativity. Shows us the perfection and purity of the universe, which nourishes our ability to be well. Provides clarity into hidden meanings, stimulates insight, intellect, recall and memories. Brings vitality, warmth and abundance.
  • Leo
Number vibration: 3  
A brass yellow myriad form of iron sulphide.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  


The Dream Stone that helps us find our true purpose, remember our dreams and to dream solve problems. Keeps us true to our intent, instils resourcefulness and assists us to realise our ideas and visions, releasing us from our limitations. Brings male/female balance, both within, between men and women and to effect the cohesiveness of larger groups, with a common purpose. A talisman against attack and illness.
  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Libra
Number vibration: 11  
The gemstone name for both nephrite and jadeite.

Nephrite Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2

Jadeite NaAlSi2O6

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  


The Supreme Nurturer, keeps our energy strong when we would otherwise feel ill or weak. Reminds us to gift joy and spread warm solar energy. Revered as a sacred protector during spiritual and physical journeying, brings new ideas and vitality. Connects us to earth energy, aligning the chakras, balancing our physical, emotional, intellectual and etheric systems.
  • Leo
Number vibration: 6  
An opaque and patterned form of chalcedony.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  


A third eye mineral, promoting insight, focused intuition and the ability to clearly put these experiences into words. Used to contact one’s spirit guide and connects us to the celestial. Dispels niggling worries and indecision, it can also be called on to identify and remove our blocks to progress.
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 1  
Azurite in granite from the Himalayas.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  


A powerful heart healer which helps us to overcome grief, loss and attachment to the past. Kunzite softens hardheartedness, stimulates loving thoughts and connects us back to universal love, to better love unconditionally. Soothes, calms and shields, instilling a sense of emotional security from within ourselves. Clears and opens our heart to pure joy.
  • Taurus
  • Leo
  • Scorpio
Number vibration: 7  
A pale purple spodumene; lithium aluminium silicate.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  


Aligns all our chakras automatically, as well as balancing our physical, mental and emotional bodies and stimulates a strong energy flow to and from the etheric bodies. Helpful to facilitate meditation, stilling the monkey mind to access a calm state of being. The blue form is great mineral for the third eye chakra opening up our intuition. Kyanite does not accumulate negative energy and so will not need cleansing or clearing.
  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Libra
Number vibration: 4  
A polymorph of aluminium silicate, typically blue or black.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 5  


Supports the ability to intuit information and knowledge and intellectually discover a way to action it, at the right time. Enhances patience, faith and self-reliance to achieve one’s chosen path or destiny. Eliminates blocks to clear and original thinking. Guides us to be in the light.
  • Leo
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 6,7  
An iridescent plagioclase feldspar, intermediate between Albite (no Calcium/Ca) and Anorthite (no Sodium/Na).


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  

Lapis Lazuli

Stimulates intellect, analytical abilities, problem solving, learning and memory. Encourages truthful communication, honesty and a total awareness; both a clear perspective of oneself and others motivations and of the connectivity of self to the universe. It brings serenity, self-acceptance and harmony in relationships.
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 3  
A metamorphic rock composed mainly of lazurite, sodalite, calcite and iron pyrite.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 5  


Known as the Atlantis Stone, calms fear and stress, connects us to the divine feminine and soothes the emotional and physical bodies. Especially good during and post pregnancy. Stimulates clear communication, giving us the courage to speak our heartfelt truth. Helps us break the patterns of self-sabotage and unhelpful thoughts, it also aids meditation.
  • Leo
Number vibration: 55  
A form of pectolite from the Dominican Republic.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 5  


Stimulates instincts, diplomatic communication and developing business relationships. Eases and soothes all life transitions, restructuring emotional and physical habits, supports through the changes of birth, death, adolescence and menopause. Alleviates stress of unpredictable situations, bringing hope, love and acceptance. Lifts gloominess and calms disorder. Repairs and opens up ley lines.
  • Libra
Number vibration: 8  
A rose pink or lilac phyllosilicate mineral of the mica group.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 3  


Offers grounding and protection similarly to black tourmaline, reducing anxiety and feelings of vulnerability. Has a positive impact on our thoughts and feelings and stimulates vitality, creativity and the will to do more, trusting ourselves and our instincts. Gifts us a friendly relaxed vibe, more inclined to think before we speak or act.

  • Libra
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
Number vibration: 5,7,9  
A rare porphyritic granite, with tourmaline crystals in a matrix of quartz, tourmaline, alkali feldspar, brown mica, and cassiterite.
Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  


The Stone of Transformation, which helps to release the burden of negative experiences, clarifying our emotions, stimulating reasoning, intuition and insight. Helps us to develop loyalty, practicality and personal responsibility. Protects us and our environment from negativity, radiation and electromagnetic pollution.
  • Scorpio
  • Capricorn
Number vibration: 9  
A green banded copper carbonate hydroxide.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 3  

Mangano Calcite

A stone of peace and calm, connecting the heart to crown chakra, clearing negative stagnant energies, attracting universal love. Creates a bond between healer and client so is ideal for distance healers. Boosts self-confidence, self-esteem and compassion. Supports us through the trauma of loss.
  • Cancer
Number vibration: 4  
A pink calcite rich in manganese.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 3  


Brings clarity of vision and focus on detail. Provides for self-reflection, helping us to recognise characteristics in others we will work on in ourselves. Diminishes insomnia, anger and nervous energy.
  • Aquarius
Number vibration: 8  
A large group of phyllosilicate minerals, including lepidolite and fuchsite.

X2Y4-6Z8O20(OH,F)4 (X=K, Na or Ca etc) (Y=Al, Mg or Fe etc) (Z=Si or Al etc)

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 3  


Forms direct, clear interconnectedness between our consciousness and higher light vibrations. Offers insight into the reality of eternity and draws down the optimal light vibrations to prepare us for spiritual insight and illumination.
  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces
Number vibration: 2,6  
A green silica formed by a meteorite fall to The Czech Republic, 14.3m years ago.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  


Connects us to earth energy, strengthening our life force, will, intuition and confidence. Aids decision making and focus so helps procrastinators. Brings a calm certainty, a knowing that we make change and the vitality to seek a new way.
  • Leo
Number vibration: 8  
A brown, maroon, pink and mustard quartz rich form of chalcedony.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  


Offers introspective, reflective, intuitive energy. Helps our adaptation to changes, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, find acceptance of natural cycles, of ends and beginnings and brings us what is needed to grow. Called the Travellers Stone, it offers protection from danger and gives confidence, discernment, calm and composure.
  • Cancer
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
Number vibration: 4  
A milky iridescent feldspar, flashing golds, green and blues.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  


A mineral of relationships, this beryl supports loving thoughts, communication, development and equality. While this helps us to create good personal relationships, morganite also facilitates happy, harmonious and productive group and shared work. Moves us from a winner versus loser mentality to that of embracing the benefits of mutual cooperation, shared goals and perceptions.

  • Libra
Number vibration: 3  
Beryllium aluminium silicate coloured pale pink with trace amounts of manganese.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 8  

Moss Agate

Improves ego and self-esteem and emotional balance. Supports communication with the plant and mineral kingdoms and promotes crop growth and agricultural endeavours. Also see agate.
  • Virgo
Number vibration: 1  
A green variegated and banded form of chalcedony; a microcrystalline form of quartz.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  


A grounding mineral, connecting the root chakra via the earth star chakra between our feet to the earth’s core, to bring us to a state of harmony and balance, stabilising our inner energy fields with those around us. A volcanic glass that brings truth to light, obsidian is the perfect support for self-honesty, the journey to discover our hidden aspects holding us back from gifting unconditional love, both to ourselves and others. It protects us from physical and emotional negativity, dispersing unloving thoughts and the emotional harm they give rise to.
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 1  
A silica rich volcanic glass with magnesium oxide and iron oxide.

SiO2 + MgO, Fe3O4

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 5  


Like all silicon dioxide, opal is an amplifier, focusing us on ourselves, highlighting character traits we wish to change. A powerful creative energy gives us the momentum to overcome our flaws and bad habits. The creativity also stimulates our dreams, intuition and shamanic journeying and this, combined with understanding and acceptance of our human imperfections, brings us to realise our full true potential. Opal gifts spontaneity and shedding inhibitions, opening up an adventurous sexuality and freedom from the unnecessary restrictions of self consciousness. Improves memory, past life recall and gifts fidelity in all relationships.

  • Cancer
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Pisces
Number vibration: 8  
Hydrous silicon dioxide, multicoloured diffractions created by stacked spheres of silica and up to 20% water.

SiO2 · nH2O

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  


Emitting a warm, friendly and joyful energy, peridot stimulates openness and acceptance in relationships, ameliorating anger, jealousy or other self-destructive emotions. Used to cleanse the heart and solar plexus chakras and put a protective shield around the body after chakra alignment or other healing, to maintain balance. Peridot helps regulate all our natural life cycles such as the big hormone changes of puberty and menopause, pregnancy and periods. She tunes us into the purity of being to help us get a sense of the enlightened state we have lost while living our physical lives.
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 5,6,7  
A magnesium rich silicate; a yellow green form of olivine.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  

Pink Opal

Renews the spiritual relationship between our self and the sacred universal energy. Awakens the realisation that we create the reality we inhabit. Strengthens the ability of our consciousness to notice and act upon our intuition. Helps us to enter into and maintain a state of meditation. Imbues us with a sense of love, clearing and purifying the heart chakra. Supports all forms of personal development, providing insight into and releasing, ingrained unhelpful patterns of behaviour. Activates deep healing of spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical bodies.

  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 6  
Hydrous silicon dioxide

SiO2 · nH2O

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  


A stone of original ideas, stimulating subconscious thinking to bring unique, quirky and powerful notions to the conscious whereby we can act on them and bring them to fruition as well as gain insight into the origins of these innovations. Supports a peaceful meditation, creative visualisations and imagination. May also be used to align our energetic fields and help us stop leaking energy from our chakras. Facilitates our letting go of sorrow further to the insight that we have no need to hang on to that which is past, passed or done with, even while we may not understand the karmic whys, soothing the grief to acceptance and being present. Encourages acts of kindness and bringing ideas for community actions and events.

  • Aries
Number vibration: 3  
A dark grey dolomite with inclusions of white pine kernel shaped magnesite, hence its name meaning pine like rock.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 3  


Helps us both individually and collectively, to draw on ancient knowledge and bring that to light, encouraging new beginnings and growth. Stimulates opening ourselves up to novel thoughts, ideas and solutions, mental connectivity with each other, creating channels of shared interdependence and allowing that movement and exchange to bring transformation, success and recognition. Revitalises our spirit(s) and confidence and negates disorderly growth.

  • Scorpio
  • Capricorn
Number vibration: 7  
A 'leek' green form of amethyst, an iron rich quartz.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  


The Stone of Prophesy, stimulating visualisation and inner knowing allowing us to prepare for that which we don’t consciously know. It advances meditation into new awareness and states of being and facilitates connections with other energy beings.
  • Libra
Number vibration: 5  
A mid-green orthorhombic silicate, often with iron.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  


The Stone of Power, it energises and purifies the physical, mental and spiritual bodies, stimulating positivity. Amplifies other crystals, energy and thought and helps bring clarity and focus. Dispels negative thoughts and judgments. Aligns thought, consciousness and emotion with universal energy, bringing harmony, rejuvenation and clarity to meditation. Clears, activates and balances all chakras and can be used on each chakra to stimulate specific healing.
  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces
Number vibration: 4  
A clear, crystalline hexagonal silicate.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  

Red Tiger Eye

Stimulates vitality and motivation to better implement ideas into action. Enhances confidence and self-esteem. Also known as Ox Eye, it imparts strength and courage as well as stimulates the sex drive.
  • Capricorn
Number vibration: 4  
Quartz formed over and chemically replaced the fibrous mineral crocidolite.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  


Known as the Inca Rosa, this mineral of love and balance pulsates with the electrical power of unconditional love, helping us to centre this energy both for ourselves and for others, even those that have deeply wounded us. Supports us to discover our soul purpose, fulfil our hopes, dreams and passions; to rediscover our inner child and teach us the joy of connecting with and healing our earth. Cleanses and renews us, healing old wounds.
  • Leo
  • Scorpio
Number vibration: 4  
A pink and cream manganese carbonate, sometimes with grey; a part of the calcite group.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 4  


Grounds physical and mental energy reducing fear and chaos. Brings balance and assurance, attuning us to the spirit of the universe. Stimulates and clears the heart chakra to project universal love and learn patience as we discover our personal higher purpose and so find fulfilment in community.
  • Taurus
Number vibration: 9  
A pink manganese silicate, usually with black veins.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 5  


A volcanic energy of change, options and progress in your chosen field. It offers insight into your personal inhibitions and blocks. Encourages self-esteem and confidence to allow for the reaching of success, joy and the transcendental. Increases stamina and calm determination to finish what you started.
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 4  
An igneous rock formed mainly of quartz with potassium feldspar and biotite.
Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  

Rose Quartz

The Stone of Unconditional Love clears the heart of emotional wounds, supporting us to let go of anger, fear, resentment and all the unhelpful emotions, to allow for true peace and love. She opens the heart to all forms of love; friendship, romance, appreciation, gratitude and empathy and seeds the understanding of forgiveness as an act of self liberation.
  • Taurus
  • Libra
Number vibration: 7  
A pale to deep pink form of quartz.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  


Ruby has a strong protective energy, shielding us from others negativity, destructive thoughts and misery while encouraging us to discover our true life path, moral compass, happiness and spiritual wisdom. Supports decision making, mental acuity and the resolve to complete our intentions, developing awareness of the impact of thought upon the mind and body. Rubys gentle nurturing energy helps to resolve arguments and find the middle way in disputes. Protects from nightmares and stimulates lucid dreams and communication with spirit guides. A mineral of light overcoming darkness, ruby helps us to recognise and release our blocks to growth and so brings expansion, creativity and wealth.

  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 3  
A pink to deep red hexagonal prism of corundum with micro amounts of chromium.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 9  

Ruby Fuchsite

Ruby fuchsite opens the heart chakra to improve emotional and physical strength, the capacity to nurture and self-esteem. Brings the understanding that you may choose NOT to experience misery and anguish and provides the strength to clear the past and live well in the present. Offers protection from malice, unhappiness and nightmares. Stimulates decision making and brings clarity to dreams putting us on the road to a wiser and more joyful life.
  • Aquarius
Number vibration: 4  
A deep red corundum in pale to green fuchsite.

Al2O3 in K(Al,Cr)2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 2  

Ruby Kyanite

A symbiotic pairing with each mineral supporting the other; the kyanite preventing the accumulation of negativity, clearing and allowing for good positive flow and the ruby offering protection from negativity. This combination not only aligns our chakras and etheric energy fields but draws in and amplifies positive energy. A potent support for meditation, insights into our feelings, accessing and understanding our dream states and connecting with spirit guides. A stone of orderly growth, helping us to discover resolutions via systems and structural organisation. A potent aid to manifesting a positive outcome, idea and aspiration.

  • Gemini
Number vibration: 66  
A pink to deep red corundum in a blue polymorph of aluminium silicate.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 5  

Ruby Zoisite

Amplifies our spiritual awareness, instincts, psychic awareness and connection to the non-physical realms. Ameliorates emotional outbursts and helps us release grief, pain and other associated negative feelings and behaviours. Calms during stressful times.
  • Aries
  • Aquarius
Number vibration: 2  
A deep red corundum in a green, black speckled orthorhombic silicate; a variety of tanzanite.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  

Rutilated Quartz

Rutile brings stability and equilibrium, correcting imbalances of mind and emotions, leading to better relationships. Protects from unhelpful intrusions, both in the physical and spiritual realms, to better maintain balance. Provides insight into the core of issues experienced to allow for the remedy to be found.
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
Number vibration: 4  
Quartz with hair-like inclusions of titanium dioxide.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  


A mineral of spiritual truth, sapphire develops our psychic abilities, intuition and communication skills. Like her sister ruby, she helps us discover our life purpose and removes blocks to physical and spiritual progress. A bringer of peace and tranquility, sapphire supports access to the akashic records and ancient ways of healing, both us and our planet, teaching us the way of compassion and kindness.

  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 2,6  
Deep blue corundum with traces of titanium.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 9  


Stimulates meditation, spiritual and mystical awareness, intuition; insight into ancient knowledge, past and future lives, connections to other forms of consciousness. Provides mental clarity to clear confusion, perceive assumptions, see all sides and discover the just way. Soothes and calms, bringing tranquillity.
  • Taurus
Number vibration: 8  
A soft white columnar hydrous calcium sulfate; a form of gypsum.

CaSO4 . 2H2O

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 2  


Restorative and uplifting, gives a clear sense of our unique place in the universe. Brings peace and understanding. Opens the heart chakra to wholeness, well-being, love and a sense of being nurtured and protected, to better appreciate and enjoy life and live stress-free. Opens communication with angels and devas.
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 5  
Green clinochlore with a silver feather pattern; magnesium iron aluminium silicate.

(Mg,Fe2+)5Al(Si3Al)O10(OH)8 or Mg5Al(AlSi3O10)(OH)8

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 2  


A powerful heart chakra mineral, opening and clearing our whole chakra system, stimulating a strong kundalini flow, from root to crown and outward. An excellent aid to past life exploration, supporting us to forgive our bygone actions and so to feel compassion for all, no matter their behaviours. Known to bring on a deep meditation state. Can be consciously directed to clear physical and emotional imbalance.

  • Gemini
Number vibration: 8  
A group of green minerals, formed from ultramafic rocks where the oceanic plate crust is forced down into the earths mantle.

(Mg,Fe,Ni, Mn,Zn)2-3(Si,Al,Fe)2O5(OH)4

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 3  

Shiva Lingham

Stimulates vitality and energy flow, aligning and opening all chakras. Balances the feminine and masculine emotions and expressiveness, bringing harmony and comfort. A fertility stone which may help us overcome sexual fears and/or trauma. Fuels sexual enjoyment and ease.
  • Scorpio
Number vibration: 4,6  
A banded grey and brown jasper from the Narmada River, India.

SiO2+Fe and Mg

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  


Grounding, protective, clearing and transformative; will cleanse and purify to allow the new. A powerful antioxidant which acts on free radicals both in our bodies and emitted by electronics. Cleans water of toxins such as phenol, pesticides, chlorine, heavy metals etc. prior to consumption. Detoxifies and cleanses the digestive system.
  • Cancer
  • Scorpio
  • Capricorn
Number vibration: 4  
An ancient charcoal grey carbon.

C60 + some or all of SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, FeO, MgO, K2O, S, CaCO3, P4

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 3  

Smokey Quartz

A stone of grounding and practicality, transmuting the under lying disorder and negative energy patterns into positive useful action. Offers a strong protection field, encourages us to be in the present, creates a place of safety from which to connect to higher realms.
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
Number vibration: 2,8  
Naturally irradiated brown quartz.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  


A stone of the mind, stimulating rational mental processes, analysis, logic and efficiency. Opens intuition, dream recollection, memory retrieval and mind-emotion-spirit connection. Facilitates meditation, insight and creative vision to make new paths. Promotes self-esteem, trust and cooperation within groups.
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 4  
Indigo blue silicate with sodium, aluminium and chloride and white calcite veining.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 5  


A stone of rejuvenation and renewal. Brings a freshness to that which is stale or deteriorating with an energy of beauty, increasing the positive aspects of our personality such as confidence, kindness, dignity, intelligence and happiness. Gifts encouragement both to begin and to reattempt that which we find difficult and challenging, enabling us to accept the victories, achievements and success with humility. Red spinel can provide strength and physical vitality.

  • Aries
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 3  
A magnesium aluminum oxide with an isometric crystal structure, typically red, orange to brown but also clear, white, yellow, green, blue, violet and black.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 8  


A mineral that supports movement and change, both opening up new opportunities and supporting us to be ready and able to rise up to meet the fresh challenge; adapt to and act within the ever widening possibilities it brings. Helps to bring intellect to the fore as we seek to rationalise and understand the change we are going through. Creates a calm, positive and loving atmosphere within its immediate environment and a core sense of peace within, which supports us letting go of old behaviours and embracing the new. Amplifies the sending and receiving of subtle energy messages.

  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 7,9  
Also known as soapstone, a compact form of magnesium rich talc, usually white, brown, grey, green and/or red.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 1  


Stimulates energy flow from root to crown chakra. Opens the emotional heart centre to heal, bringing empathy, compassion and forgiveness to replace anger, obstinacy and resentment. Creates a calm environment, inner peace and acceptance of others differences.
  • Virgo
Number vibration: 5  
A purple carbonate of magnesium and chromium; an alteration of serpentine.

Mg6Cr2(CO3)(OH)16 . 4H2O

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 1  


A loving, joyful, soothing heart chakra mineral. A calming aid to still the mind, allow intuition and insight to stimulate creativity while remaining earthed and practical.
  • Aries
Number vibration: 33  
A cream to peach lustrous zeolite.

NaCa4Al9Si27O72 . 28(H2O)

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 4  


Traditionally used as a fumigant and to ceremonially clear the cardinal directions, sulphur will sooth away our personal obstacles to development and change. A negatively charged element, supporting the removal of negative attitudes, thoughts and emotions ameliorating their unhelpful impact. Stimulates a sense of dedication to personal growth, calms sudden outbursts, misdirected will and may bring unexpected insight or inspiration.

  • Leo
Number vibration: 7  
A common sublimate of volcanic gases, typically bright yellow orthorhombic or dipyramid crystals.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 2  


Clears and energises all chakras, bringing a freshness and vitality. Gently dissolves the attachments to others that drain personal energy, restoring both to wellness, with love. Gifts luck, originality, confidence and bravery, stimulating action and independence.
  • Leo
  • Libra
Number vibration: 1  
A red to orange glittery plagioclase feldspar.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  

Super 7

The combination of seven minerals raises the energetic connection within humanity to further the healing of earth and raise consciousness. Stimulates psychic abilities to enable self-healing and spiritual life path direction. Does not require cleansing.
  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces
Number vibration: 5,9  
A crystal combination of amethyst, smokey quartz, clear quartz, cacoxenite, rutile, goethite and lepidocrocite.

Also known as Melody’s Stone

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  


A gemstone of intuition and all forms of communication, which supports bettering communication about our channelled information, whether aural, visual or more subtle, like a knowing. Offers protective support while opening us up to the spirit realms, the gods of ancient cultures lost and other aspects of ourselves via the crown chakra. Illuminates the self limiting nature of space and time and may lay the way to encounters with other light beings. Keeps our creative personal power in balance.

  • Gemini
  • Libra
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 2  
A blue gemstone variety of zoisite, a calcium aluminium hydroxyl sorosilicate.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  

Tiger Iron

A grounding, earthy mineral which brings stability, safety, balance and calm. Improves thinking, clarity, decision making and memory while facilitating letting go of self-limiting thought patterns. Stimulates creativity and technical innovation.
  • Leo
Number vibration: 7  
A stone comprised of golden tiger eye, red jasper and hematite.

SiO2 + Fe2O3

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  


Stimulates powerful visualisation, manifestation and attraction. Gifts a soothing trust, confidence and joy in the certainty that all is well. Clears fear, self-doubt and negativity. Enables focus on both the macro and micro picture, uncovering deceit and illusion, stimulating creativity to bring about success in all endeavours.
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 3,6,9  
A clear, blue or golden aluminium fluro-hydroxyl-silicate.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 8  


Creates a protective shield deflecting negative energies and destructive forces. Will identify the problem or block within any situation. Balances the chakras, left-right brain and all the auric bodies. Offers connection to devic energies, earthing, calming fears and growing self-confidence, love, creativity and abundance.
  • Libra
Number vibration: 2  
A group of several closely related minerals, typically elbaite, schorl or dravite.

(Na,Ca)(Mg,Li,Al,Fe2+)3Al6 (BO3)3Si6O18(OH)4

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  


Soothing and calming, trolleite relieves stress, bringing a sense of stillness and tranquility. Helps us shift into a meditative state, a place of oneness or serene euphoria. Stimulates intuition, insight and connections with spiritual beings, angels and guardians in a gentle, supported way.

  • Aries
  • Gemini
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 2,5,8  
Rare aluminium phosphate, usually included in quartz with sister minerals, blue scorzalite and lazulite.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 5  


An ancient amulet worn for protection during ritual and travel. Stimulates intuition, confidence and effective communication. Cleanses, balances and energises the physical, chakra and auric bodies, gifting mental and spiritual clarity. Useful for grounding during meditation and astral work.
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Pisces
Number vibration: 1  
A hydrated phosphate of copper and aluminium.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 5  


Balances the emotions and the heart chakra, taking love to a spiritual level. Facilitates the healing of old wounds, easing the blocks to growth.
  • Scorpio
Number vibration: 9  
A granite composed of pink feldspar, green epidote and quartz.
Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  


Facilitates a deep meditation, supporting both an empty mind and to bring visual answers to specific queries. Promotes thriftiness, helps to conserve money, supporting those with an overspending habit. Helps to prevent wasting energy and exhaustion. Grounds us into our physical body, creating a sense of comfort and ease with physicality.

  • Virgo
Number vibration: 9  
An ochre red barrel shaped lead chlorovanadate.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 3  


Supports us to detach from the old and discover innovative ways to reach our aspirations and goals. Stimulates mental processes, logic and rationality to eliminate confusion and overwhelming emotions, offering clarity of purpose. Useful in groups, to facilitate a unity and solidarity of the communal purpose or goal, enhancing feelings of companionship, interdependence and trust. Encourages truthful emotional expression, self trust and self esteem.

  • Sagittarius
  • Aquarius
Number vibration: 4,9  
An ultraviolet reactive sodalite rich syenite, a sub group of potassium rich feldspar.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6  


[Ahsian, pp.] Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007).

[Eason, pp. ] Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible (London: Carlton Books Ltd., 2010).

[Fernie, pp.] William T. Fernie, The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones (Blauvelt, NY: Rudolph Steiner Publications, 1973).

[Gienger, pp.] Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals (Scotland: Earthdancer Books, 2009).

[Hall, pp.] Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003).

[Hall II, pp.] Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 2 (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2009).

[Hall III, pp.] Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 3 (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2013).

[Hall En ,pp.] Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals (Beverly, MA: Fair Winds Press, 2013).

[Hall Cr, pp.] Judy Hall, Crystals to Empower You (Blue Ash, OH, Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2013).

[101 Hall , pp.] Judy Hall, 101 Power Crystals (Beverly, MA: Fair Winds Press, 2011).

[Kunz, pp.] George Frederick Kunz, The Curious Lore of Precious Stones (New York: Dover Publications, 1971).

[Lecouteux, pp.] Claude Lecouteux, A Lapidary of Sacred Stones (Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, U.S. edition, 2012).

[Lembo, pp.] Margaret Lembo, The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals & Stones (Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Worldwide, 2013).

[Margherita,pp.] Margherita, The Crystal Lotus Handbook (Ontario, Canada: The Crystal Lotus, 2010).

[Megemont, pp.] Florence Megemont, The Metaphysical Book of Gems and Crystals (Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 2008).

[Mella, pp.] Dorothee L. Mella, Stone Power II (Albuquerque, NM: Brotherhood of Life, Inc., 1986).

[Melody, pp.] Melody, Love Is In The Earth (Wheat Ridge, CO: Earth-Love Publishing House, 1995).

[Melody, EN,pp.] Melody, Love Is In The Earth – The Crystal and Minerals Encyclopedia (Wheat Ridge, CO: Earth-Love Publishing House, 2007).

[Raphaell, pp.] Katrina Raphaell, Crystal Enlightenment (Santa Fe, NM: Aurora Press, 1985)

[Simmons, pp.] [Ahsian] Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007).