Ruby fuchsite


This two mineral combo has alway reminded me of a little Monet painting. Such great colours together.

Weight 0.012 kg
Dimensions 2.5 × 1 × 1.5 cm

Heart / Anahata, Root / Muladhara


Ruby Fuchsite




Love and Joy, Protection, Serenity, Sleep

Perfect for pockets, party bags, grids, amulets and collectors.

Note: Sold individually. The weight and size shown is an average of several and so your piece may be slightly bigger or smaller.

Out of stock

Perfect for pockets, party bags, grids, amulets and collectors.

Note: Sold individually. The weight and size shown is an average of several and so your piece may be slightly bigger or smaller.

Ruby Fuchsite

Ruby fuchsite opens the heart chakra to improve emotional and physical strength, the capacity to nurture and self-esteem. Brings the understanding that you may choose NOT to experience misery and anguish and provides the strength to clear the past and live well in the present. Offers protection from malice, unhappiness and nightmares. Stimulates decision making and brings clarity to dreams putting us on the road to a wiser and more joyful life.
  • Aquarius
Number vibration: 4  
A deep red corundum in pale to green fuchsite.

Al2O3 in K(Al,Cr)2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 2  