Red tiger eye


Fabulous red tiger eye pieces polished to a lovely smooth feel in a tumbler.

Weight 0.010 kg
Dimensions 2 × 1.4 × 2.4 cm

Sacral / Svadhisthana, Root / Muladhara


Energy Clearing, Love and Joy, Vitality


Red Tiger Eye



Perfect for pockets, party bags, grids, amulets and collectors.

Note: Sold individually. The weight and size shown is an average of several and so your piece may be slightly bigger or smaller.

In stock

Perfect for pockets, party bags, grids, amulets and collectors.

Note: Sold individually. The weight and size shown is an average of several and so your piece may be slightly bigger or smaller.

Red Tiger Eye

Stimulates vitality and motivation to better implement ideas into action. Enhances confidence and self-esteem. Also known as Ox Eye, it imparts strength and courage as well as stimulates the sex drive.
  • Capricorn
Number vibration: 4  
Quartz formed over and chemically replaced the fibrous mineral crocidolite.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  
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