Lapis lazuli heart


A bright blue, slim lapis lazuli heart, simply carved and polished. A lovely one off piece for the third eye chakra.

Weight 0.066 kg
Dimensions 5.6 × 5.2 × 1.5 cm

Third Eye / Ajna


Communication, Intuition, Mental Focus, Protection, Serenity


Lapis Lazuli


Cut and Polished

Out of stock

Lapis Lazuli

Stimulates intellect, analytical abilities, problem solving, learning and memory. Encourages truthful communication, honesty and a total awareness; both a clear perspective of oneself and others motivations and of the connectivity of self to the universe. It brings serenity, self-acceptance and harmony in relationships.
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 3  
A metamorphic rock composed mainly of lazurite, sodalite, calcite and iron pyrite.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 5  