

Gorgeous labradorite tumblestones with natural purple and orange flashes, typical of the Finnish spectrolite.

Weight 0.038 kg
Dimensions 4.5 × 3 × 1.7 cm

Third Eye / Ajna


Abundance, Intuition, Mental Focus, Spirituality




Cut and Polished, Tumblestones


Large tumblestones

Note: Sold individually. The weight and size shown is an average of this batch and so your piece may be slightly bigger or smaller.

In stock

Note: Sold individually. The weight and size shown is an average of this batch and so your piece may be slightly bigger or smaller.


Supports the ability to intuit information and knowledge and intellectually discover a way to action it, at the right time. Enhances patience, faith and self-reliance to achieve one’s chosen path or destiny. Eliminates blocks to clear and original thinking. Guides us to be in the light.
  • Leo
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
Number vibration: 6,7  
An iridescent plagioclase feldspar, intermediate between Albite (no Calcium/Ca) and Anorthite (no Sodium/Na).


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 6