Blue kyanite with mica


A superb blue kyanite specimen with a tent like natural form filled with shiny mica schist.

Weight 0.437 kg
Dimensions 7 × 6.1 × 12.5 cm
Astrological Sign

Aries, Taurus, Libra, Aquarius


Crown / Sahasrara, Third Eye / Ajna, Heart / Anahata


Blue, Silver


Energy Clearing, Intuition, Love and Joy, Mental Focus, Serenity


Kyanite, Mica


Home Decor, Natural

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Aligns all our chakras automatically, as well as balancing our physical, mental and emotional bodies and stimulates a strong energy flow to and from the etheric bodies. Helpful to facilitate meditation, stilling the monkey mind to access a calm state of being. The blue form is great mineral for the third eye chakra opening up our intuition. Kyanite does not accumulate negative energy and so will not need cleansing or clearing.
  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Libra
Number vibration: 4  
A polymorph of aluminium silicate, typically blue or black.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 5  


Brings clarity of vision and focus on detail. Provides for self-reflection, helping us to recognise characteristics in others we will work on in ourselves. Diminishes insomnia, anger and nervous energy.
  • Aquarius
Number vibration: 8  
A large group of phyllosilicate minerals, including lepidolite and fuchsite.

X2Y4-6Z8O20(OH,F)4 (X=K, Na or Ca etc) (Y=Al, Mg or Fe etc) (Z=Si or Al etc)

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 3  
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