Rose quartz merkaba


Pretty pink merkaba, cut and polished from the love and friendship stone, rose quartz.

Weight 0.03 kg
Dimensions 2.6 × 2.6 × 2.6 cm

Heart / Anahata


Energy Clearing, Love and Joy, Serenity


Rose Quartz


Cut and Polished

Merkaba are a universal symbol in all the worlds major religions comprised of two interlocking tetrahedrons. A tetrahedron is an equilateral triangular pyramid consisting of four equal sized planes and four corners/vertices so a Merkaba has 8 corners each made up of three edges meeting.

Essentially it symbolises the perfect balance required to reach sublime meditation, Nirvana, the Divine, the equal union of masculine and feminine energies.

In Hebrew the word means chariot and symbolises the divine vehicle by which we connect to the higher realms of light energy. Mer is the ancient Egyptian word for pyramid and light, Ka means the soul or spirit and Ba is the body which is indeed the vehicle by which we connect our spirit to the Universal Light. In addition, the Merkaba is the sacred geometrical shape of the Prana field of our body, our own personal star tetrahedron.

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Merkaba are a universal symbol in all the worlds major religions comprised of two interlocking tetrahedrons. A tetrahedron is an equilateral triangular pyramid consisting of four equal sized planes and four corners/vertices so a Merkaba has 8 corners each made up of three edges meeting.

Essentially it symbolises the perfect balance required to reach sublime meditation, Nirvana, the Divine, the equal union of masculine and feminine energies.

In Hebrew the word means chariot and symbolises the divine vehicle by which we connect to the higher realms of light energy. Mer is the ancient Egyptian word for pyramid and light, Ka means the soul or spirit and Ba is the body which is indeed the vehicle by which we connect our spirit to the Universal Light. In addition, the Merkaba is the sacred geometrical shape of the Prana field of our body, our own personal star tetrahedron.

Rose Quartz

The Stone of Unconditional Love clears the heart of emotional wounds, supporting us to let go of anger, fear, resentment and all the unhelpful emotions, to allow for true peace and love. She opens the heart to all forms of love; friendship, romance, appreciation, gratitude and empathy and seeds the understanding of forgiveness as an act of self liberation.
  • Taurus
  • Libra
Number vibration: 7  
A pale to deep pink form of quartz.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7  
SKU: mer2 Category: